Sunday, January 9

Friend + Camera + Portland

This morning, my friend Coralie and I went wandering in Portland with our cameras. (She’s got a Diana!)

She has spent a lot of time here and had great recommendations about places to eat, including an authentic French restaurant where we stopped for breakfast (she can verify it’s authentic because she recently got back from a living in France for a year), and places to stop and take pictures.

My almond croissant and mocha were delicious. And being able to sit there with a friend that I haven’t had a chance to just talk to and listen to was wonderful. She told me stories of her year in France – the exciting things she had done, the interesting people she met. When she moves back there, I hope I’ll be able to visit!

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The weather was rather gray and it was fairly chilly. But we stayed warm walking and occasionally dashing into neat stores.

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Above – Right: I love graffiti! (At least when it comes to taking pictures.)

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Above: I wish I would have been gutsy enough to take more pictures of people. The bicyclist on the left was waving as he rode by…. and here I thought I was being sneaky. Apparently not. As to the picture on the right, I find that I have recently become fascinated by pictures taken from above. So, a bridge was the perfect spot to capture a couple exercising below.

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Cor: Thanks for driving me around and showing me the sights. My camera and I had a wonderful time.

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