Saturday, February 12

Five {Photography Playdate}

The theme for the first in my series of ‘photography playdates’ was quite simple. I had each model choose 5 items from her purse that express something about her life or personality. (They didn’t know about this before they arrived. Sneaky me!)

Starting out, I was worried that the concept would be too simple and wouldn’t yield much inspiration for studio portraits (which is the skill that I was working on for this particular shoot). But, I was wrong. My models had quiet a few ideas to give the poses some pep. They were a great group.

My DIY lighting setup worked out fairly well. This exercise helped me to get out of my comfort zone of natural light photography. I’m excited about learning more!

Without further ado…


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Thanks again to Claudia, Devan, Lauren, Callie and Gabby for letting me boss you around a little. I look forward to seeing you all again soon!

Oh, for future reference, this is the kind of food that models need to properly… umm… model.


1 comment:

Claudia said...

I love the lighting in all these!

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