Monday, May 30

Unrequited – Photography Playdate {Themed Session}

On a sunny Saturday afternoon, I persuaded four beautiful young ladies to follow me into a field of buttercups.
The theme for this photography playdate was unrequited affection. I wanted to portray a combination of somber emotion and yet determination to move forward.

You’ll recognize Devan – she’s been a model at my previous two playdates. Rebekah is a friend that I reconnected with after we were penpals about a decade ago. Mariah is a new friend that I finally met in person for this shoot. And Chrissy is another friend of mine that I had not previously had the privilege to photograph. Most of the girls had driven quite a distance to attend. They were patient and obedient and so much fun to work with!

There were three people that really made this shoot successful (aside from the models). My friend Neva let us use her house to get ready in and the field is basically her backyard. She also helped prepare food in between caring for her 3 kids. Yeah, she’s super mom. Jessee, a local hair and makeup artist, did a wonderful job styling the models and accommodating my requests for ‘dramatic neutral’ looks. (I hope to get a chance to photograph her in the future too!) And finally, Sally – a friend of mine who also loves to take pictures. She not only suggested great ideas and helped with prop arrangement – she captured some photos that include me (which is a rarity). I’ll share these in a future post featuring pics that didn’t quite fit the mood of this post.


A talented photographer herself, Mariah kept telling me she wasn’t good at posing and had to be told what to do. Liar. I mean, look at these photos. She’s gorgeous and obviously has a natural flair for posing.

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How do you get over that red hair and blue eyes? And the freckles? Seriously. Rebekah made me laugh in a rather unflattering manner. She’s funny. Like really. She is a lot of fun to spend time with… and I hope we get to spend more time together in the future!

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When we were talking about this session, Chrissy said that she had some experience with this theme. And boy did her solemn gaze fit what I was looking for! I’ve known her for a few years, although we haven’t gotten to spend as much time together as I would like. In that time though, I’ve discovered that she’s not just a pretty face. This girl has got some brains.


You remember Devan, right? From the session where she changed into 3 different outfits in the front seat of a car? Oh, and from her graduation session(s)? She’s also the one that did the ‘100 Strangers’ project with me. I love this girl. She can pull of so many different looks, has amazingly creative ideas and takes her own awesome pictures. Plus, she laughs at my jokes. (See if you can catch her reference to a great song by A Fine Frenzy in the pictures below. It shouldn’t be too hard.)

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I must confess: I’m in love with these pictures. The girls did a great job modeling and suggesting ideas. I thoroughly enjoyed photographing old friends and getting to know new ones. You’ll see them again here, I’m sure!


Leave the girls and I a little love in the comments if you enjoyed these pictures too.


1 comment:

Can Our Family? said...

Hi, I'm friends with Chrissy. I've seen that look before... it sort of triggers bad memories. The photos are great and the girls all looked beautiful, but the concept/theme was pretty depressing. I suppose that's why you set the contrast with the hopeful, bright flowers. Nice work.

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