Saturday, February 27

My Favorite Picture

scan0003This is my favorite picture.

I don’t know who took it (but it was likely a newspaper photographer).

That’s my dad. I love his expression. And besides, I was an adorable kid.

Why am I posting a picture that I didn’t take? The main reason is this: it inspires me to think about capturing moments rather than just taking pretty pictures.

When taking photos of families, I try to keep in mind that one of my pictures might become their favorite, like this has become mine. As a budding photographer, I realize that these moments are what will be remembered.

Photography allows us to capture a breath of our past and hold onto it forever.


Bo9 Photography said...

I absolutely LOVE this and knowing the meaning behind it makes it that much more wonderful. It reminds me of my grandfathers camera that I still have and takes me back to the stories he and my dad tell of taking the photos I grew up looking at. Thank you for sharing and bringing back such good times. It's what our photography is all about!

alanna said...

That is a great photos. Love your post too.

Becci said...

Your dad looked like Christopher Reeve! And you're right, you were adorable!

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