Wednesday, May 19

Welcome to a New, Clean Blog.

This evening, I decided to dive into some html code and make some changes to my blog. It was about time.

New color scheme, simplified layout, modified static pages. It’s not perfect. I’ve got some spacing issues to figure out. But, I think it’s a big improvement.

I’ve removed the parts of the blog that contradicted my inner designer sensibilities – the Google Friend Connect area (don’t worry – if you connect using that, you’re still connected. It’s just not visible.) and the Facebook badge. You can now find that information under ‘Subscribe’ on the top right.

And now I’ll be able to post larger images and more creative layouts… hopefully.


Feel free to leave comments on this post to share with me what you like or don’t like about the new layout. I’m a good listener.

Thanks for sticking with me.


The Custodian said...

I like it. Someday I'd like to learn more about HTML code. It doesn't seem too difficult, it's just knowing what parameters and language to use where. Nice job.

I also believe that your trademark is having your feet or shoes in at least one picture on every post somewhere; or at least almost every post.

Nik said...

Absolutely love the new look. Clean, sleek and modern. Nice job!

Jenna W said...

Rick (aka: The Custodian): Thanks for your feedback. I know enough html to know that I don't know what I'm doing. :) I tinker and then preview to see how the changes look and then tinker again.

Feet pics - definitely. Either my feet or someone elses. I'm also trying to incorporate a new theme - a book cover in each shoot that I do that somehow relates to the shoot. ie: when I did a session with Silbaughs, I used "We Are Still Married" by Garrison Keillor. I have fun hunting for books at the thrift store that might work in potential shoots.

Jenna W said...

Nik: Thanks! The white background is a big change, but I really like it too.

Don said...

Looking good. I like it! You've done a marvelous job.

Jenna W said...

Don: Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

Nostalgia Photography said...

Looks great.

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